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The header iosfwd forward declares the input/output library template classes and specializes them for wide and tiny characters, and also defines the positional types used in class char_traits instantiated on tiny and wide characters.

Data Type and Member Function Indexes
(exclusive of constructors and destructors)



#include <iosfwd>

// forward declare the traits class
template<class charT> struct char_traits;

// forward declare the positioning class
template<class stateT> class fpos;

// forward declare the state class
class mbstate_t;

// forward declare the allocator class
template<class T> class allocator;

// forward declare the iostreams template classes
template<class charT,class traits=char_traits<charT>> 
    class basic_ios;
template<class charT,class traits=char_traits<charT>> 
    class basic_streambuf;
template<class charT,class traits=char_traits<charT>> 
    class basic_istream;
template<class charT,class traits=char_traits<charT>> 
    class basic_ostream;
template<class charT,class traits=char_traits<charT>,
         class Allocator = allocator<void> >
    class basic_stringbuf;
template<class charT,class traits=char_traits<charT>,
         class Allocator = allocator<void> > 
    class basic_istringstream;
template<class charT,class traits=char_traits<charT>,
         class Allocator = allocator<void> >
    class basic_ostringstream;
template<class charT,class traits=char_traits<charT>> 
    class basic_filebuf;
template<class charT,class traits=char_traits<charT>> 
    class basic_ifstream;
template<class charT,class traits=char_traits<charT>> 
    class basic_ofstream;
template<class charT,class traits=char_traits<charT>> 
    class ostreambuf_iterator;
template<class charT,class traits=char_traits<charT>> 
    class istreambuf_iterator;
template<class charT,class traits=char_traits<charT>> 
    class basic_iostream;
template<class charT,class traits=char_traits<charT>,
         class Allocator = allocator<void> >
    class basic_stringstream;
template<class charT,class traits=char_traits<charT>> 
    class basic_fstream;

// specializations on tiny characters
typedef basic_ios<char>              ios;
typedef basic_streambuf<char>        streambuf;
typedef basic_istream<char>          istream;
typedef basic_ostream<char>          ostream;
typedef basic_stringbuf<char>        stringbuf;
typedef basic_istringstream<char>    istringstream;
typedef basic_ostringstream<char>    ostringstream;
typedef basic_filebuf<char>          filebuf;
typedef basic_ifstream<char>         ifstream;
typedef basic_ofstream<char>         ofstream;
typedef basic_iostream<char>         iostream;
typedef basic_stringstream<char>     stringstream;
typedef basic_fstream<char>          fstream;

// specializations on wide characters
typedef basic_ios<wchar_t>           wios;
typedef basic_streambuf<wchar_t>     wstreambuf;
typedef basic_istream<wchar_t>       wistream;
typedef basic_ostream<wchar_t>       wostream;
typedef basic_stringbuf<wchar_t>     wstringbuf;
typedef basic_istringstream<wchar_t> wistringstream;
typedef basic_ostringstream<wchar_t> wostringstream;
typedef basic_filebuf<wchar_t>       wfilebuf;
typedef basic_ifstream<wchar_t>      wifstream;
typedef basic_ofstream<wchar_t>      wofstream;
typedef basic_iostream<wchar_t>      wiostream;
typedef basic_stringstream<wchar_t>  wstringstream;
typedef basic_fstream<wchar_t>       wfstream;

// positional types used by char_traits
typedef fpos<mbstate_t> streampos;
typedef fpos<mbstate_t> wstreampos;

typedef long            streamoff;
typedef long            wstreamoff;

See Also

fpos(3C++), char_traits(3C++), basic_ios(3C++), basic_streambuf(3C++), basic_istream(3C++), basic_ostream(3C++), basic_iostream(3C++),

basic_stringbuf(3C++), basic_istringstream(3C++), basic_ostringstream(3C++), basic_stringstream(3C++), basic_filebuf(3C++), basic_ifstream(3C++), basic_ofstream(3C++), basic_fstream(3C++), istreambuf_iterator(3C++), ostreambuf_iterator(3C++)

Working Paper for Draft Proposed International Standard for Information Systems--Programming Language C++, Section 27.2

Standards Conformance

ANSI X3J16/ISO WG21 Joint C++ Committee

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