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- Data Type and Member Function Indexes
- Synopsis
- Description
- Interface
- Types
- Public Constructors
- Public Member Functions
- Valid Operations
- See Also
- Standards Conformance
Data Type and Member Function Indexes
(exclusive of constructors and destructors)
Data Types |
state_type |
Member Functions |
state() |
#include <rw/iotraits> template<class stateT = mbstate_t> class fpos
The template class fpos<stateT> is used by the iostream classes to maintain positioning information. It maintains three kinds of information: the absolute position, the conversion state and the validity of the stored position. Streams instantiated on tiny characters use streampos as their positioning type, whereas streams instantiated on wide characters use wstreampos, but both are defined as fpos<mbstate_t>.
template <class stateT = mbstate_t> class fpos { public: typedef stateT state_type; fpos(long off = 0); fpos(state_type); state_type state(state_type); state_type state () const; };
The type state_type holds the conversion state, and is compatible with the function locale::codecvt(). By default it is defined as mbstate_t.
Public Constructors
fpos(long off =0);
Constructs an fpos object, initializing its position with off and its conversion state with the default stateT constructor. This function is not described in the C++ standard.
fpos(state_type st);
Construct an fpos object, initializing its conversion state with st, its position with the start position, and its status to good.
Public Member Functions
state_type state() const;
Returns the conversion state stored in the fpos object.
state_type state(state_type st);
Store st as the new conversion state in the fpos object and return its previous value.
Valid Operations
In the following,
P refers to type fpos<stateT>
p and q refer to an value of type fpos<stateT>
O refers to the offset type ( streamoff, wstreamoff, long _)
o refers to a value of the offset type
i refers to a value of type int
Valid operations:
P p( i ); |
Constructs from int. |
P p = i; |
Assigns from int. |
P( o ) |
Converts from offset. |
O( p ) |
Converts to offset. |
p == q |
Tests for equality. |
p != q |
Tests for inequality. |
q = p + o |
Adds offset. |
p += o |
Adds offset. |
q = p -o |
Subtracts offset. |
q -= o |
Subtracts offset. |
o = p - q |
Returns offset. |
See Also
iosfwd(3C++), char_traits(3C++)
Working Paper for Draft Proposed International Standard for Information Systems--Programming Language C++, Section 27.4.
Amendment 1 to the C Standard.
Standards Conformance
ANSI X3J16/ISO WG21 Joint C++ Committee

©Copyright 1996, Rogue Wave Software, Inc.