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QTVR of the ICTP 40th Anniversary
This page contains the previews of all the QuickTime Virtual Reality panoramic images which have been taken Monday, 4th October 2004, during the first day of celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the ICTP.
Apple's QuickTime VR technology gives a much better sense of the space than a photograph could. QTVR is currently an extension to Apple's QuickTime software and allows the viewer to rotate 360 degrees around a space.
In order to use this technology, it is necessary to download the free QTVR plug-in supplied by Apple. A plug-in is a mini software application that runs within your browser, allowing you extra functionality. The QTVR plug-in for Window or Macintosh can be downloaded at the Apple site. Please follow the instructions on the Apple site, and then return to this site.
As alternative, you can just continue clicking on one of the images below: you browser will be instructed to use the "ptviewer" java applet embedded in the webpage to render the panoramas without the need for a QuickTime plugin. In this case the quality of the image may be affected and some control functions may be missing.
Please keep in mind that virtual panoramas require high bandwidth.
The size of each panorama is about 1 MB.
Please continue on to the panoramas by clicking on one of the photos.
Once you are in the proper webpage, to look around an image, simply click on the image, hold and drag to the right or left, up or down.
Use your keyboard to zoom in and out: with the QuickTime plugin, the Shift key zooms in and the Control keys zoom out. With the java applet, you can press the Control key together with "+" or "-" to obtain the same effect.

Messages from authorities (2 images)

Announcements of new ICTP Prizes (2 images)

Medal Awards Ceremony (2 images)

Morning Session - 04 Oct. (2 images)

Afternoon Session - 04 Oct. (2 images)

Afternoon Session - 04 Oct. (2 images)

Afternoon Session - 04 Oct. (2 images)

Afternoon Session - 04 Oct. (2 images)

Morning Session - 05 Oct. (4 images)

Morning Session - 05 Oct. (2 images)

Morning Session - 05 Oct. (2 images)

Afternoon Session - 05 Oct. (2 images)

Afternoon Session - 05 Oct. (2 images)

Afternoon Session - 05 Oct. (2 images)

Lecture of John F. Nash Jr. - 05 Oct. (4 images)