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News from ICTP 97 - Monitor
The Italian government, which has been the primary source of funding for ICTP since the Centre's inception in 1964, has announced that it will increase its annual contribution to ICTP from 26 billion lire (US$13 million) to 36 billion lire (US$18 million), beginning this year. On behalf of the Centre, ICTP Director Miguel Virasoro has expressed his gratitude to the Italian government for its vision, generosity and sustained commitment to the Centre's goals. The additional funds will be used to deepen and expand ICTP research and training activities. Over the past 36 years, more than 75,000 scientists, a majority from the developing world, have participated in ICTP workshops, conferences, schools and seminars.
Search Committee for New Director
Following Miguel Virasoro's announcement that he will be retiring in May 2002, the ICTP Steering Committee, meeting in Trieste last month, announced the formation of a Search Committee for a new director. Members of the Search Committee include: Walter Rudolf Erdelen, Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences, UNESCO (chair); Daniele Amati, Director, SISSA, Italy; Philip W. Anderson, Professor, Department of Physics, Princeton University, USA; Attia A. Ashour, Professor, Department of Mathematics, Cairo University, Egypt; Werner Burkart, Deputy Director General, Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications, IAEA; Praveen Chaudhari, Chair, ICTP Scientific Council; David Gross, Director, Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA; Luciano Maiani, Director General, CERN, Switzerland; and C.N.R. Rao, President of the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) and of the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, India. Announcements calling for nominations for the director's post have been published in CERN Courier, Nature, Physics Today, Physics World and Science.
Nature Publishing Group has published the first edition of The Nature Yearbook of Science and Technology, which it expects to reissue on an annual basis. The 2000-page volume, a mix of lengthy features, editorials and profiles, includes three entries outlining the research and training activities of ICTP, TWAS and the InterAcademy Panel on International Issues (IAP).
On 18 June, a delegation from the China Atomic Energy Authority (CAE), headed by its chairman, Zhang Huazhu, visited the Centre. The delegation met ICTP Director Miguel Virasoro, heads of ICTP's scientific groups, and Chinese scientists who were at the Centre to attend research and training activities. The delegation also toured the library and computer facilities.

The refurbishing of Lower Level 1 of the Adriatico Guesthouse,
which began in 1999, is now complete. New meeting rooms, computer
laboratories and secretarial offices, as well as additional hallway
space for poster sessions, informal gatherings and exhibitions,
have increased the area by 870 square metres. Moreover, 46 new
workstations are now available for internet connections.