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ICTP in Numbers
Since its inception ICTP has collected vital statistics detailing the number of visitors participating in scientific activities organized and held at the Centre. This statistical information provides interesting insights into changes in the institution during its fourty-five years of operation. The Statistics on ICTP web page is updated by the ICTP Public Information Office (PIO).
ICTP visiting scientists in brief: 
116,000 visits from scientists since 1964
184 countries represented
154 visitors from 40 countries in 1964
6972 visitors from 137 countries in 2009
53% from developing countries, LDCs
and transition countries
20% of visiting scientists are women
410 months of training to 154 participants in 1964
1323 months of training to 3412 participants in 2009
Visitor Statistics 2009
Regular scientific activities at ICTP
- Number: 58
- Number of visitors: 5050
- Female: 1075 (21%)
- Male: 3975
- Number of person-months*: 4309 (131,074 days)
- Nations represented: 137
Hosted activities (held at ICTP but organized by external groups)
- Number of conferences: 34
- Participants: 1922
Total number of scientific visitors:
- 6972
Region of origin, ICTP visitors
ICTP regional training activities
*Number of average months spent at ICTP by scientific visitors [1 average month=30.417 days]
ICTP Visitors and Person-months by Country
Annual statistics by country and gender in alphabetical order on the number of visitors and person-months:
- 2009, pdf (table)
Previous years:
Numbers include all categories of visitors combined attending the ICTP Training and Education Programmes:
Scientific Conferences and Workshops (at ICTP and Regional)
- Training Course Participants
- Course directors, lecturers and tutors
- Research scientists including post-docs; long-term and short-term visitors
PhD Level
- Diploma studens
- STEP fellows
Science Career Support
- Associates Members and Affiliates
- TRIL Fellows
- Elettra Users
For more information:
- ICTP visitors from Africa,1970-2009, jpg (chart)
- ICTP in Numbers 2008, pdf (poster)
- Summary of ICTP visitors by region 2008, pdf (table)
- Summary of ICTP visitors by region 2007, pdf (table)