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Nobel Laureate at ICTP conference

Centre hosts Conference on Research Frontiers in Ultra-Cold Atoms

Scientists from around the world will come together for a 5-day conference at ICTP that will commence with a lecture by Sir Anthony James Leggett, 2003 Nobel Laureate for his pioneering work on superfluidity. Knowledge about superfluid liquids can give us deeper insight into the ways in which matter behaves in its lowest and most ordered state.

The conference will focus on the analysis of novel quantum phases and non-equilibrium phenomena that have direct connection to problems found in condensed matter physics, astrophysics and nuclear physics. The Conference programme also includes poster sessions.

The event, co-sponsored by the MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms, runs from 4 to 8 May in the Main Lecture Hall of the Leonardo Building. Further details can be found in the ICTP Scientific Calendar.


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