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Nobel Prize in Physics 2005

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has announced that the Nobel Prize in Physics 2005 has been awarded to:
Roy J. Glauber, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA,
John L. Hall, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
Theodor W. HÃ¤nsch, Max-Planck-Institut fÃ¼r Quantenoptik, Garching, Germany.
Glauber lectured at the Adriatico Conference on Vacuum in Non-Relativistic Matter-Radiation Systems in 1987. He has been awarded the Nobel Prize â€œfor his contribution to the quantum theory of optical coherence". In the 1970s, he collaborated extensively with Luciano Bertocchi (former Acting Director of ICTP and a professor at the University of Trieste’s Department of Theoretical Physics, DFT), Daniele Treleani and the late Giorgio Alberi, also from the University of Trieste’s DTF.


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