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Chaos, complexity, and disorder are topics that most people would prefer to avoid. But for 200 scientists visiting the ICTP last month these topics served as key points of discussion for expanding our understanding of the world in which we live. The "Workshop on Dynamics of Non-equilibrium Systems" (16-27 August) explored at a theoretical level non-equilibrium statistical systems in ways that may shed light on topics ranging from the behaviour of stock markets to the behaviour of sand. The "Adriatico Conference on Non-Hermiticity and Disorder" (23-26 August) included participation by both physicists and mathematicians in discussions on theoretical topics related to disorder. The School on "Statistical Physics and Probabilistic Methods in Computer Science" (23 August-10 September) encouraged young mathematicians, computer scientists and theoretical physicists to broaden their understanding of complexity theory, phase transitions, and disordered physical systems.