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Presentation Device

How to Operate the Presentation Device

Presentation Device
><p align="justify">Based on Bluetooth technology, this remote control allows the lecturer to cycle through Microsoft PowerPoint or Adobe Acrobat presentations without the need of staying close to the computer keyboard or mouse.<br>
>It can be used anywhere in the lecture room, within a maximum range of 10 metres (32.8 Ft.) from the computer.<p>
><br>Control buttons
><p align="justify">Once in <i>Full Screen mode<i> (press F5 to activate Microsoft PowerPoint Full Screen Mode or press CTRL+L to activate it in Adobe Acrobat) by pressing the left button you can advance to the next slide, while pressing the right button would take you back to the previous one.

><img src="cordless_presenter_3" class="lf" alt="Laser Trigger"><img>
><p align="justify">The device incorporates a laser pointer. You can shine the laser dot by pressing the trigger that is found underneath the device.<p>
><img src="cordless_presenter_4" class="rf" alt="Class 2 Laser Product"><img>

Avoid direct Exposure to the laser beam. Never shine the laser to anyone. Do not stare at the beam nor point the device at mirror-like surfaces; a reflected beam would act like a direct beam in the eye. Class 2 Laser Product.

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